Oh SNAP! Christmas is almost here, you’ve bought gifts for everybody except for your Uncle Tom who has been wearing the same jacket since ’72 and "don't want no damn cell phone cause all they do is spy on you anyways”( touche, Tom, touche), and all you have to do now is pack. However, the REAL fun starts when we begin boarding planes, disrupting our daily routines, habits, and lives for the sake of the Holiday Spirit. So what can you do to keep yourself grounded and so you don’t feel like you need a vacation from your family vacation? Read on, kimosabe, for some ayurvedic tips and tricks sure to lube you up nicely for the ride to come.
I suffered from chronic back pain that left me unable to walk for a week of every month for over 15 years that no western doctor could resolve. Frustrated, depressed, and pissed off, I tried everything, from acupuncture to physical therapy but would only experience temporary relief. I knew there had to be a reason for my pain, so why couldn’t anyone explain to me what the hell was going on?!
Here is what was happening-I would get episodes of lower back spasming where my back would completely lock up and if I moved too suddenly or at the wrong angle- PAIN!! It was terrible, totally unpredictable, and took control of my life. I became fearful of riding my bike or hiking or doing any activity that could leave me vulnerable to the wrath of the back-pain gods. MRI’s, X-rays, I did it all, and nobody could give me a definitive answer to the root cause!
Until I found Āyurveda. Āyurveda did what western medicine couldn’t, and simple dietary changes combined with a 90 day herbal protocol cured my seemingly “incurable” condition. For good. Not only did the science of Ayurveda cure my back pain, it was able to simply and logically explain to me what the ROOT cause of my pain really was, in contrast to the guess work of “advanced” medical professionals using modern equipment.