Sadā Shiva Total Transformation
12 week program
1 x complete systems health analysis to uncover your mind-body type
6 Biweekly sessions that take you deep into Self, Spirit, and Source
1 x Vedic Astrology session to uncover your Dharma
Emotional re-patterning with NLP
Guided Cleanse to reset and detox your body for the foundation of health you need to thrive!
Additional support includes
-Weekly homework to guide, inspire, and elevate you
-Private online community of current and previous participants
- Marco Polo contact from Sarah
-Personal text support from Sarah
-Personalized reading and video recommendations
-Access to all of Sarah’s e-courses for 1 year (you can even repeat them!)
Is the spiritual path calling you, but you don’t know where to get started? Are you yearning for a connection to your higher Self, Source, and the Divine that flows through all things? Have you been practicing yoga, but want to go deeper into eastern Wisdom and wellness? Can you feel your unlimited potential waiting to be unlocked, and want support uncovering your heart’s true desire so you can let your Light shine into the world?
Get the guidance, support, and accountability you need for success on your health journey and to unlock your LIMITLESS potential with Āyurvedic Practitioner and Siddha Labs Founder Sarah Otto-Combs. Together we will build your manual for RADIANT wellbeing that combines Ayurveda, Vedic Wisdom, and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology).
This transformational experience includes
Get Awesome with Ayurveda- A detailed assessment of your unique constitution type and current state of health so you can build the foundation of wellness you NEED to unlock your higher purpose
Sacred Self-Care- Step by Step guidance on how to build a rock solid ayurvedic daily using 5,000 year old wisdom techniques so you can thrive instead of survive
Personal Power- Put the power of your emotions and life back into your own hands to smash your obstacles instead of feeling like a victim of circumstance
Let Go and Let God- create rituals that connect you to your higher purpose and the Divine while cultivating principles of high achievement and low attachment
Back to Bliss- build the foundation of physical and emotional wellbeing you need to unlock your birthright of living in a blissful state no matter the external circumstances
Divine Dharma- Uncover hidden clues to your destiny and learn about your gift to humanity in a personalized astrology reading with Sarah’s own Jyotish master.
Herbal Allies- 90 days of customized herbal formulas hand mixed by Sarah and infused with. Healing mantras tailored to your health needs and goals to help you detox, energize, and come back to balance. Your formula will change month to month to optimize your wellness and wellbeing!
Ready to get started? Contact Sarah today through our contact form to set up a discovery call and get started on your journey to your highest and most radiant self!
Did you know that fruit should be eaten alone to optimize gut health? Or that there 4 distinct gut health types and that knowing yours can help you optimize your life? Wanna learn more cool tips like this plus 20% off your first order? Subscribe today!
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